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Rule 2084-7

Rescheduled or Continued Meeting of Creditors

For good cause, the trustee may reschedule or continue the meeting of creditors. If rescheduled, the trustee must request that the Clerk provide notice of the rescheduled meeting using the applicable ECF filing event so that service can be effected by the Clerk or Bankruptcy Noticing Center. If continued, the trustee will note the continued hearing date on the docket. 

Notes 2017:  This is new LR establishes notice procedures for a rescheduled or continued meeting of creditors and incorporates subsection (f) of former LR 2084-8 concerning continuance of a meeting. The amendments also clarify that rescheduling or continuing is at the trustee’s discretion. See also LR 2003-1 Meeting of Creditors.

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