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Rule 1007-1

Lists, Schedules and Statements

(a) Master Mailing List.

(1)  A master mailing list must be filed with the petition in the format required by the Clerk. The Clerk may also require that the master mailing list be electronically submitted. Unless ordered otherwise, the master mailing list must include the names and addresses, including zip codes, of all creditors and equity security holders, in alphabetical order.

(2) When an addition or change is made to the master mailing list, the entire master mailing list must not be refiled, only a supplemental master mailing list, in the required format, containing the newly added or changed creditors shall be filed and electronically submitted.

(3) The debtor shall have seven (7) days from the filing of the petition to file a master mailing list that complies with the above requirements. If a master mailing list does not comply, the Clerk will immediately notify the debtor’s attorney or debtor, if pro se. Failure to timely file a properly formatted master mailing list will be cause for dismissal of the petition without further notice or a hearing.

(b) List of 20 Largest Creditors.  In a chapter 9 or chapter 11 case, the list of twenty largest unsecured creditorsmust include the creditors' phone and facsimile numbers and email addresses, if known.

(c) Declaration.  Debtor must file with the Clerk an original Local Form No. 1007-1 Declaration of Electronic Filing verifying the petition, lists, schedules, statement of affairs and debtor’s social security number. Failure to file the signed declaration within twenty-one (21) days after filing the petition or no later than seven (7) days after the schedules and statements are filed in the event of an extension will result in dismissal of the case without further notice.

(d) Statement of Social Security Number. Failure of an individual debtor to submit the Statement of Social Security Number required by FRBP 1007(f) within seven (7) days of the filing of the petition will be cause for dismissal of the petition. In place of submitting a Statement of Social Security Number, the attorney for the debtor may submit the debtor's social security number electronically when opening the case on CM/ECF and include in the Declaration re: Electronic Filing debtor's declaration that the social security number is true and correct.

(e) Statement that Means Test Does Not Apply. A chapter 7 individual debtor whose debts are not primarily consumer debts must file a statement to that effect contemporaneous with the schedules and statements.

(f) Payment Advices.  An individual debtor must file Local Form No. 1007-2 Declaration of Evidence of Payments available on the Court’s website to comply with Code § 521(a)(1)(B)(iv).

(g) Declaration of Debtor without an Attorney.  If a debtor is not represented by counsel, the debtor must file a completed Local Form No. 1007-3 Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Debtors Without an Attorney available on the Court’s website. This form must be filed within fourteen (14) days after the petition is filed.


Notes 2018:  To assist the Court in identifying undisclosed bankruptcy petition preparers, new subsection (g) requires pro se debtors to file a form Declaration concerning whether they paid anyone to assist in completing their bankruptcy documents, and if so, who they paid and how much they paid. 

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