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Local Rule 9076-1

Electronic Service

(a)  Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) Constitutes Service on Registered CM/ECF Users.  Registration as an ECF user constitutes consent to electronic service under FRCP 5. Receipt of the NEF constitutes service on a registered CM/ECF user who has electronically filed a document in the case.  The filer must provide non-registered users with notice of the filing by other means in accordance with the FRBP.

(b)  NEF Does Not Constitute Service.  Electronic transmission of a NEF does not constitute service or notice of certain initiating documents. A filer must serve by hand-delivery, courier, mail, or email (if the party has consented to email service) the following documents:

(1)  Service of a summons and involuntary petition under FRBP 1010; 

(2)  Service of a summons and complaint under FRBP 7004;

(3)  Service of papers that commence a contested matter under FRBP 9014, e.g., a motion for stay relief or objection to claim;

(4)  Service of a subpoena under FRBP 9016; 

(5)  Service of notice of a claim objection required by Local Rule 3007-1(b); and

(6)  Where conventional service is otherwise required under the FRCP, FRBP, LRs, or by court order.

Notes 2022:  Subsection (b)(5) is amended to include objections to proofs of claim..


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